Latest Updates and News at DBI
Updated Table:
As new research is published, website content is reviewed to incorporate it. Newly updated is the popular Technology Tab table, Cancer Detection by Screening Method.
DBI in the News:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month and news of an updated FDA timeline for a U.S. national “dense breast” reporting standard resulted in much demand for DBI comments, story input, and images. Below are some national media opportunities we were included in:
- People Magazine story, FDA to Implement New Mammogram Regulations to Support Women with Dense Breasts included a DBI quote and a mention/link to the DBI website
- Readers Digest/UK ran a patient education piece co-authored by our European Education Coordinator, Cheryl Cruwys, Breast Cancer: Why Breast Density Matters
- CBS National News featured a story, FDA Plans New Regulations on Mammograms in Effort to Help Women with Dense Breasts, which included the DBI dynamic image of a cancer moving from a fatty to an extremely dense breast.