OBGYN Reach Out
Referring Provider Reach Out
Patient breast cancer screening discussions typically rest on the shoulders of ObGyns. How can ObGyns and radiologists collaborate on patient screening? What are patient discussion topics and what resources are available? Please see insight in the OBG Management magazine article, How ObGyns Can Best Work with Radiologists to Optimize Screening for Patients with Dense Breasts, authored by our ObGyn MAB members Drs. Etkin-Kramer and Albright and Executive Director JoAnn Pushkin.
Our third annual #DenseBreastDay™ was another social media success! A round-up of the day’s activities and highlights are available HERE. Look for an expanded international effort in 2021!
Reminder: Free Access for October
A review article by Dr. Wendie Berg, Chief Scientific Advisor to DB-i, and co-authors has just been published in AJR. It is an up-to-the-minute review of realistic screening options for women with dense breasts. The review includes a comparison of cancer detection rates, recall rates, and barriers to implementation of tomosynthesis, screening ultrasound, molecular breast imaging, MRI, and contrast-enhanced mammography in women with dense breasts: Screening Algorithms in Dense Breasts: AJR Expert Panel Narrative Review.