Patient Awareness Campaign and More!
To kick off Women’s Health Week and in honor of Mother’s Day, look for our week-long social media series #KnowBeforeYouGo. It will feature posts highlighting topics women should be aware of about breast density and mammograms. Posts begin on May 9th, please feel free to repost (follow on DB-i Twitter and Facebook page).
Patient Fact Sheet
DB-i’s Patient Fact Sheet is now available in Vietnamese! It joins our Asian-language downloadable patient tools in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. With thanks for translation assistance to Dr. Quy Pham Nguyen, MD, Kyoto Miniren Central Hospital, Founder of Y học cộng đồng; Dr. Ho Hoang Thao Quyen, Breast Radiologist; and Ms. Hoang Thu Ha, Breast Care Patient Advocate.
ACR Appropriateness Criteria
The College of Radiology has released new and updated ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Updated topics include Supplemental Breast Cancer Screening Based on Breast Density.