Resource Updates and Extended Outreach
Who Needs More Screening? Flowchart:
The Who Needs More Screening? flowchart has been newly updated to reflect NCCN endorsement of contrast-enhanced mammography or ultrasound for women who meet criteria for screening MRI but are unable to have it; please discontinue use of any earlier version. (European visitor access: click USA/HOME, and see dropdown in For Providers tab)
Density Education in Europe:
The European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) will be linking to DB-i website/materials as a resource for their members. Through its member organisations, the EFRS represents 45 national societies/professional bodies, 66 academic institutions of radiography education, and more than 105,000 radiographers and 8,500 radiography students across Europe.
The International Cancer Control Partnership (ICCP) now includes the DB-i link within the ICCP resource portal of key resources. The ICCP is a group of organisations engaged in supporting country cancer control planning efforts. Through the ICCP, these organisations, including the WHO, CDC, NCI-USA, and UICC, are committed to working together to ensure that all countries have a well-resourced, quality cancer control plan, integrated with non-communicable disease control efforts.
It is the time of year when many are normally headed to RSNA. While always a wonderful opportunity to meet with our generous Educational Supporters and host DB-i’s annual MAB and European Ambassadors appreciation dinner, this year will be quite different. We wish all a productive virtual RSNA and look forward to seeing everyone in 2021!