Tech Tab Table & More
News! An update to DBI‘s comprehensive and popular table, Cancer Detection by Screening Method, went live last week. By modality, the table shows a summary of expected additional cancer detection (in women of different breast density), effect on the false positive recall rate, and impact on interval cancer reduction using screening imaging methods after standard 2D mammography. For future reference, it is located within our Tech Tab section.
A Note About DBI Map Content
Inform and insurance legislation details featured on the DBI website are based on our legislative analysis of each law. Legislative language can be detailed, nuanced and open to interpretation. The current DBI ”inform” law count of “38 states and Washington DC” is based on that analysis; others’ analyses may yield a different total. We therefore request that any mention of DBI’s map data or state count be “source specific” and indicate that it is “Based on analysis” and/or include a DBI website citation.