“In the Know with DenseBreast-info” Quiz #4
The fourth quiz in the collaborative series with OBG Management magazine, In the Know with DenseBreast-info, is now live. Each month’s quiz addresses a knowledge gap identified through the DB-i research study, Effect of an educational intervention on women’s healthcare provider knowledge gaps about breast density, breast cancer risk, and screening. Please share these within your referring provider network.
- Quiz #1, How is a woman determined to have dense breast tissue?
- Quiz #2, True or false: Breast density increases breast cancer risk
- Quiz #3, In which categories of breast density does tomosynthesis/3D mammography increase cancer detection over standard digital mammography?
- Quiz #4, Average-risk women with dense breasts—What breast screening is appropriate?
Comment in Response
A Jama Oncology viewpoint article, Mammographic Density Laws and Inclusion—Time for Change, drew comment from DB-i’s medical advisory board members, Drs. Wendie Berg, Paula Gordon and Daniel Lehrer, with helpful review by Gretchen L. Gierach, PhD. Please find their response, Time for Better Screening for All Women, in the comment section.
- New AuntMinnie story, Ultrasound Jostles for Bigger Role in Screening Dense Breasts, details the role of ultrasound in imaging dense breasts and also includes mention of the DB-i team Jama Oncology comment.