State Insurance Law; AbMRI research
State Insurance Law Amendment
Illinois has amended its insurance law for expanded breast imaging. MBI will now be included (effective 1/1/26), please see DBI’s legislation MAP for details.
Research Analysis
An analysis of “real-world” experience with supplemental abbreviated MRI (AB-MRI) screening in women with dense breasts and average breast cancer risk was conducted by senior author and DBI Advisory Board Member Emily Conant, MD and colleagues. The cancer detection rate for baseline AB-MRI exams was higher than for subsequent exams, however the difference was not significant. [1]
- As expected, for exams with one-year follow-up, the false-positive rate decreased with subsequent exams compared to baseline exams. [2]
- All cancers detected with baseline or subsequent AB-MRI exams were stage 0 or 1, and there were no symptomatic interval cancers.
- The results support the effectiveness AB-MRI for supplemental screening in women with dense breasts at otherwise average breast cancer risk and suggest that adding screening MRI every two years may be sufficient, though further study is warranted.
1. The cancer detection rate for baseline vs. subsequent AB-MRI exams was 18.9 per 1000 (38/2007) vs. 12.1per 1000 (7/278) respectively (P=.37).
2. The false positive rate decreased from 7.7% (116/1497) for baseline exams to 2.8% (10/359) for subsequent exams (P<.001).