U.S. Federal Efforts for Insurance Coverage and Density “Inform”
Federal Insurance Legislation
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (Connecticut) will soon introduce federal legislation that requires insurers to cover no-cost additional breast imaging for women with dense breasts or at higher risk for breast cancer. Given DBI’s experience in bill analysis, Executive Director JoAnn Pushkin and Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Wendie Berg were asked to review and offer input on bill language. We are particularly delighted that the DBI tagline “Find it Early” is being used as the bill’s name! More news on the introduction of the Find it Early Act will follow.
Federal Standardized Dense Breast Notification
The proposed insurance legislation complements the national “dense breast” reporting standard, also under development. As a reminder, the FDA is advancing a standard for breast density notification for American women and anticipates that this will happen by early 2023. Until that time, details on individual state inform laws are available here.